5 convincing facts about worklife guidance
Employer: this is why you should offer guidance for your employees!

FACT 1: Wellbeing increases productivity
Guidance matches both demands and strategical objectives of the organisation, as well as the employee's personal wishes and goals. Guidance increases employee's motivation towards work and feelings of valuation and importance. Guidance will empower the whole workplace and the wellbeing of employees will grow.
FACT 2: Implementing changes becomes easier
Guidance is a way to deal with emotions caused by the changes at the workplace. Dealing with emotions makes it easier and faster to implement changes at the workplace.
FACT 3: Source of change and development
Guidance at the workplace can itself be a source of organisational change and personal development in life.
FACT 4: Competent employees
Guidance services help employees to maintain and improve their professional competences. Guidance services also help to keep employees' overall employability on a good level, which is important for example when managing redundancies.
FACT 5: Less conflicts and problems
Guidance supports and enables preventive, solution focused dialogue and reflection. This decreases the emergence of conflicts and problems at the workplace.