Guidance skills for managers and superiors
As work is increasingly becoming knowledge work, and the expertise of employees
becomes more important, a more inclusive and instructive approach should also
be adopted in managerial work. It is important for superiors to have
interaction and guidance skills.
Today’s managers are responsible for the development of teams and individuals including career planning. In the competitive business world today, a lot of pressure is being exerted on many of the employees of an organization, and the consequent stress and strain affect their physical and mental health. Thus, there is a need for proper and timely counselling skills for such employees. The objective of counselling is to ease work pressure and make the work more result oriented and render the work environment more congenial, conducive and, above all, enjoyable. Managers have to be fully equipped to handle such situations as employees need professional help as well as emotional and mental support.

In Finland, ESF funded project "TOKI - Project for the development of guidance skills in working life" (2010-2015) developed a training program for key personnel at the workplaces. In the project, Oulu Adult Education Centre has provided a training programme called “More professionalism in worklife guidance” between 2011 and 2013. More than 1000 participants from over 140 different organisations took part in activities. A new series of sessions began in autumn 2015. The programme concentrates on the development of guidance skills of managers, executives and HR specialists.
Read more about TOKI project!
TOKI project web pages (in Finnish):
TOKI project materials (some also in English):
TOKI training programme "More professionalism in worklife guidance" (PDF)