Guidance process
The phases of guidance
In general, a guidance and counselling process is divided in five phases: Attending, Exploring, Understanding/goal setting, Intervention, and Finalisation. In the project Worklife Guidance and in the tools of this toolbox, the focus is on guidance and counselling for worklife career. Therefore the 5 phases for supporting actions for career development are taken and the guidance / counselling process is looked at from an organisational perspective as well as from the individual perspective.

Example of video material:
Rapport /relationship building (
Assessment / Problem definition (
Goal setting (
Intervention (
Termination (
The guidance process with an individual needs to be adjusted to the context at hand althoug there are always the same fundemental issues evolved around the process linked to i.e. trust, confidentiality and ethiscs. There are certain ethical questions that need to be considered when cooperating with employers. On this page you will find ethical questions to take into consideration. On this page you can also read about the guidance process and find attached more information about the instruments and methods used in guidance.

Read more about the basics of guidance and counselling from this review!
"Kees Schuur & Ruud Duvekot. 2015. Put more wood behind the counselling-arrow. Organisational and personal aspects in career development.
- chapter 7: the process from an individual perspective > instruments and methods of guidance
Read more about the guidance process on page "CH-Q Career development process"!
"CH-Q is a unique career development process for people who want to (re-)orientate their work and life careers. A career development training according to CH-Q starts from a holistic perspective..."
How could case studies be used as an instrument? Learn more from this excellent, pratical review!
"In career counselling, case study is mainly used as a group method. A case is presented by the counsellor and submitted to teamwork debate and solution. Since a case is of interest and actuality to all group members, the stress falls on collaboration and cooperation among them..."