Funding is an important issue - beyond recognition of the important and value of guidance for employees, lies the first fundamental question: what are the ways of funding?
The guidance activities described in this toolbox and elsewhere are funded in a variety of ways:
Paid for by employing organisations, public, social and private. This funding is organized on organisation-level or on sector-level.
Paid for by trade unions, mainly on sector-level and depending on social agreements with employers in the sector.
Paid for by the state or subsidised by the state. These costs are closely linked to qualification-programme sor adult learners; the guidance-activities are then integrated in a learning program.This can include tax-deduction or –facilities.
Paid for or subsidised by some project. This is in general a form of temporary funding guidance-activities on national or European level.
Paid for by local economic generation agencies. This finding comes from national and European social finds and is mainly intended to guide individual to the labour market or to create labour mobility between sectors.
Paid for by individuals, for example, by accessing private agencies, or through the costs of going online to access guidance. In many cases the individual can deduct these costs partly or in total from his annual taxes.

Are you interested in this topic and want to learn more? Read about the topic in the Final Project Report of project "The Social Partners and vocational guidance for lower-paid workers". Dr Pamela Clayton, University of Glasgow. 2007. Link to the report.