Exercise: Understanding Confidence

The focus is on learning about the complex concept of confidence in this exercise. Some ways to increase confidence are explained. Confidence includes the six Cs and they are Communication skills, Concept (Self-concept), Competence, Contribution, Control and Courage.
Source: www.resilience-project.eu
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the exercise participants will:
Understand the confidence concept
Understand the complexity of the confidence concept
Have written down ways to increase their confidence and
Have experienced that others deal with similar issues as themselves.
About the exercise
Individuals can block their confidence with irrational negative thoughts and build confidence with positive rational thoughts as Sam Horn explains in her book ‘Concrete Confidence’. Furthermore, it is possible to develop resilience in many ways. By enriching communication skills, learning to control ourselves better and evaluate and affirm strengths and abilities, resilience can be developed. So resilience develops as confidence increases.
The facilitator works with a group of several participants and explains the confidence concept. Participants discuss the six Cs and answer some questions.
Step 1
The facilitator discusses the confidence concept. Confidence is not a mysterious characteristic we are born with or not, and it is not a result of extraordinary success – Confidence is a skill anyone can acquire. Lao- Tzu said “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. ” Confidence includes the six Cs and they are Communication skills, Concept (Self-concept), Competence, Contribution, Control and Courage.
Step 2
The assignment sheet Confidence is distributed to participants. Participants go over it with the facilitator and the facilitator explains blockers and builders. Blockers are irrational, negative thoughts and builders are rational positive thoughts. The facilitator can recommend that as they read the criteria together, they can ask themselves whether they have experienced blockers or builders. It is also possible to examine in which situation they experience blockers and in which they experience builders. After the discussion each participant answers the five questions. The emphasis is on finding ways to increase confidence.
Step 3
For those who would like to clarify the confidence concept better, can use the ‘self- confidence pot'
available on this website: http://www.thepositiveencourager.global/
Step 4
The facilitator concludes and connects confidence to resilience.
Group of participants sit in a circle so everyone can see each other. It is vital to mention to participants
to keep the rule of confidentiality.
Teaching Methods
Facilitator introduces the topic, group work and discussion
Facilitator reads the summary, learning outcomes and the steps and makes photocopies
of the assignment sheet Confidence.
Preparation time: 15 -30 min

Sources / Contributors:
Horn, S. (1997). Concrete Confidence. New York: St. Martins Press. http://www.thepositiveencourager.global/ Listahaskoli Islands
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. www.resilience-project.eu