In Finland, the guidance expertise of educational institutions operating at different levels of educations is pooled into networks for the benefit of clients. Clients will find information, advice and guidance about career and educational possibilities from "one-stop shop".
case finland
A national adult guidance development programme worth more than EUR 20 million was recently carried out in Finland. “Usefulness and needs as the basis for adult guidance, using a development programme on information, guidance and counselling services” was a European Social Fund development programme within the third priority that was implemented through national and regional projects in 2008-2014. The goals of the project were
1) developing the operational practices of guidance and counselling services for adult guidance and counselling professionals and adult trainers,
2) strengthening the skills and
3) recognition and accreditation of adult students’ prior learning.
Adult guidance and counselling services were developed through more than 30 regional Door to Learning (Opin ovi) projects. The projects belonging to the Door to Learning programme produced new kinds of models and operational methods for adult customer guidance and counselling: both network-based service models and flexible, knowledgeable guidance networks. It gave birth to a new kind of know-how: not only basic know-how about networks, but also a networked approach to guidance work. In conjunction with the development work, many guidance tools and guidelines were created, and several agreements entered into that guaranteed sustained collaboration and actions.
The objective was to create a one-stop shop guidance and counselling service available for all citizens that would help people considering applying for adult education. After the projects, some regional services survived while some were terminated due to lack of funding.

Photo by OSEKK Viestintäpalvelut / at the OpinTori service desk in Oulu
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IN the Oulu region, the OpinTori service has been offering guidance and counselling to help in the individual career planning of all adults for more than 5 years. Thousands of adults have contacted the service, some of which are currently in employment. The adult guidance counsellors and career counsellors of each local educational institution take turns at the OpinTori service desk.