Exercise: Functional sketch

Many are not aware of the various competences they possess and apply when dealing with tasks in their job. In some cases, people have not brought their mind to it, or do not have the vocabulary to talk about what they do in that context. It is important to be able to describe the competences one possesses and to be able to analyze, to some degree, the need for competence when performing a task or a job. This exercise opens up a dialogue on the issue.
Source: Foundation European Centre for Valuation of Prior Learning, Netherlands.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the exercise participants will be able to:
Identify his/her own competencies in relation to the work environment
Understand the use of a function profile
Identify necessary competences for a defined function
Apply identified competences in his own situation (own competencies, competencies needed in the "work' they do, and competencies in the 'job' they like to have).
Discuss own activities and competences with others
Understand the bases of job descriptions and job advertisements in connection with own competence profile
About the exercise
The aim of this exercise is to assist the individual in becoming more aware of his/her own competencies in relation to the work environment and being able to present, use and discuss them with others. This is done through viewing or observing people at work (videos in this case) and describing the competences one detects, describe own competences in the current job, make comparisons and discuss findings.
The one who guides the process will need to find suitable video clips of people at work or an opportunity to follow a real-life example if that is more suitable. The video material presented in this case may not be available through links presented.
The exercise takes about 60-90 minutes.
Prepare the material: The exercise can be conducted individually, in pairs or in groups. Groups provide more options for dialolue and additional learning through groupwork. What is needed are several video clips of people at work and the exercise sheet.
At the website of the Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding (Belgium) there are examples of video clips presenting people in their work: http://vdab.tv/categorie/19
If those are to be used, the glossary below can be helpful:
Reportages = reports
Beroepenfilms = Profession videos
Opleidingenfilms = Education/Training videos (based on the educational structure in Belgium)
Loopbaanportretten = Career portraits
HR-films = HR - videos
Bedrijfsfilms = Corporate videos
Vacaturefilms = Vacancy videos
Example for the profession "Baker" from the VDAB website can be used:
1. Click on: "Beroepenfilms" - Voedingssector" (=food supply chain)
2. Click on "Bakker" (= Baker).
3. English subtitles can be chosen.
4. Start video.
Choose two video clips to show to a group of 8-12 people and follow the instruction in the form (click the link below to open the form).
A variation is to make a game out of it, where the group is divided in 2 or 3 groups, who are noting down the competencies they have observed and examined which group has identified the most competences. By writing these competences on flip-over sheets a discussion can take place about 'hidden' competences, the importance of personal competences, seeing certain competences in different ways and/or 'double' competences on the lists.

Check out these links to find some videos in Finnish!