Guidance process with organisation
case: Iceland
In Iceland, career counselors from LifeLong Learning (LLL) centers contact companies (managers, HR mangers) to organize a meeting with the target group (people with little formal education).
Workplace guidance is an aid in reaching out to as many as possible in the identified target group, where they are located, with information about education/funds and guidance towards an active participation in lifelong learning and competence development (motivate and support the target group to develop their competences). For success it is important to base the guidance on a trusting relationship and an equal ground.
The service cosists of:
Introduction, provided to the target group, about LLL and LL-guidance, competence development, possibilities and funding. Group introduction takes place at workplace, duration 20-40 min.
Interview – the first one at workplace – takes 30–60 minutes. More interviews at the workplace provided in cooperation with employer. More interviews provided at the LLL centres for individuals.
Formal, informal approach, assistance from union representatives
Offer individual interviews – 1st interview organized in the company if possible (more interview either in the company or at LLL center)
Free of cost and impartial service
Career counsellors use variety of guidance tools, f.ex. interest inventories, value test, CV and different tools developed by Norman E. Amundson translated and adjusted to Icelandic circumstances such as drawing up the route of life (Life-line), finding and listing one’s competences (Backpack, Suitcase), finding and listing up the hindrances one experiences either as an unemployed person or within some particular circumstances within the employement (Roadmap). Material for registration of the interview.
The experiences with this method are excellent, especially for employees with little or no formal education. The counsellor reaches the individual in a safe environment at the workplace, where the individual is at home. It can be difficult to get the permission from managers to provide this service within the workplace, as they are afraid that the counsellors will be encouraging the employees to train/educate themselves away from the company. It has shown, that the vast minority of employees are actually thinking of leaving the company, and in those rare cases, that could even be the best solution for both parties.