Exercise: Future recollection

Orientating oneself towards the future, hope and optimism are foundation pillars of person's physical, mental and social welfare. They are resources that uphold our lives.
This exercise focuses on the future and thus gives a great starting point for a discussion about career development. The exercise can be carried out in a group or individually.
Future recollection is one method of so-called forethought dialogue methods. In Finland, it is widely used in different contexts of client work, also in complicated situations, where multiprofessional cooperation is needed.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the exercise participants will:
Be able to think positively about his/her future career and career development
Have learned what he/she has to do him/herself to make things happen
Understand his/her career goals
About the exercise
This exercise will help the client to think about positive thoughts about his/her future, future career and career development. Client focuses on seeing the future as positive and perceiving the path to the desirable future and future development: what has he/she have to do him/herself to make things happen?
You can either do this in writing with individual or in oral. If you are working with a group, this is a good exercise to do in oral.
The question in writing task / the question for all participants in a group:
Choose a convenient moment in time from here forward for you. One year, two years, three years? Let's imagine that everything is fine.
a) How are things for you, when they are fine?
b) From where / from whom did you get support and strength? What kind of support or strength did you get?
c) You have been in a situation where (career counsellor will decide upon suitable situation:) you felt that making career choices was difficult / had felt working stressful / etc. How did you overcome that situation?
The client writes his/her imagined story, how is his/her life in that moment in time in the future. If this is discussed in a group, each participant answers one set of questions (a-c) at a time.
Alternative exercise: a postcard to grandma
"Write a letter / postcard to your grandma, where you tell her where you are working at the moment, what are your best competences and what are you going to do in 3-5 years." Each participant reads the card out loud to the group. The group will address focusing questions.
Alternative exercise: a birthday writing
Birthday writings can be used for example to begin to understand one's career goals. In the writing the participant will examine his/her future through writing a birthday writing about him/herself, that he/she hopes will be written by others when he/she turns 50 or 60 years (the age picked up by career counsellor who knows the ages of participants). The task: "Usually special day writings consist of a wide description of person's career and shorter descriptions of positions of responsibility, hobbies / interests and family. How would you like to imagine your life at 50 or 60 years of age? What kind of life have you lived so far?"

In Finland, this method is widely used in different contexts of client work in the fields of youth work, social work, healthcare, education, counselling etc. This method is commonly used in complicated situations, where multiprofessional cooperation is needed. The aim of the exercise is to create clarity and coordination in multiprofessional cooperation as well as strenghts and credible optimism for the client.There is some research done about this method as well. Here are some sources - mostly in Finnish - to learn more about "future recollection" or "remembering my future":
Research, aim and effects of the method:
Kokko, Riitta-Liisa: Tulevaisuuden muistelu -palaveri –toiveikkuutta tuottava yhteistyömenetelmä. https://www.julkari.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/100706/072kokko.pdf?sequence=1 (FIN)
Hyvönen, M. 2011. YHDESSÄ NÄKEMINEN TULEVAISUUDEN MUISTELUN AVULLA: Tutkimus dialogisten menetelmien käytöstä työyhteisöjen kehittämisessä. http://epublications.uef.fi/pub/urn_nbn_fi_uef-20110384/urn_nbn_fi_uef-20110384.pdf (FIN)
Instructions, use of the method:
Remembering my future, page 4: http://www.slideshare.net/VALOA/cc-training-material (ENG)
http://www.soste.fi/media/arvioinnin-tietopankki/tulevaisuuden-muistelu.pdf (FIN)
http://www.valmistu.net/uramatka/Tulevaisuuden%20muistelu.pdf (FIN) (this has been a source for the instructions above)