Ways of providing service

Worklife Guidance is a shorthand for guidance aimed at employees. In this toolbox we focus our tools on guidance practitioners and HR professionals, who offer guidance services for organisations and conduct guidance and counselling in cooperation with the management of the organisation.
However, there are many ways of delivering guidance and counselling for people in employment. Here you can find some cases, that represent a large scale of activities carried out in order to offer employees access to relevant guidance and counselling services.
One-stop shop guidance services
Guidance skills for managers (training programme)
Mentoring and peer-group mentoring (PGM)
Case: counselling group for lower-paid workers in Finland
Worklife Guidance -by whom, how and where?
It might be carried out:
Literally in the workplace, that is, on the employer's premises
On the premises of a guidance service
In an adult learning centre
In the home
It might equally take place in trade union offices, in a clubhouse, and so on. Guidance might be conducted face-to-face, over the telephone or electronically (for example, by email or through career guidance web sites). Similarly, a variety of people might carry out the guidance, formally or informally, including:
In-house guidance counsellors, who are employees of the organisation
Guidance counsellors located in separate organisations, including the state Employment Service
providers of further and continuing education,
folk high schools; and workers' education services;
Visiting guidance counsellors, organised by employers or trade unions
Trade union trained educational ambassadors or learning advisors
Fellow-workers offering peer guidance or mentoring
Retired workers offering mentoring to vulnerable young workers
Line managers, for example, through an appraisal system or informal chat
Guidance could also be conducted by human resource personnel.
Source / after: The Social Partners and vocational guidance for lower-paid workers. Final Project Report. Dr Pamela Clayton, University of Glasgow. 2007. Link to the report.
Guidance corner inside organisations business premises
Peer support at the workplace / educational advisers
Workplace coaching / counselling (työnohjaus in Finnish)