What is CH-Q?
The participants:
discover what skills and competencies they have and what the value in different contexts (work, volunteer, life) can be.
will get a boost in their own development.
can link their competences with norm-setting frameworks like vision, goal and organization of a company and / or the system of qualifications and awards
are going back to their core and soul and makes them more resilient and enables them to take over the power of control over their own competence development.
bring their goals and dreams a lot closer from this strength.
About the training
A CH-Q training will assist the participants and give practical tools to make the next steps. During a CH-Q training the participants create / fill their portfolio and an action plan. They create a portfolio that suits them best, which best reflects their personal qualities, taking in consideration the context they are working in.
In the action plan a participant describes the exact steps which brings them closer to your goal, and can then be directly executed. They will go through the training in a small group in which they are at the same time a coach and a mirror to each other. Working in a group (8-12 persons) is essential for learning ot evaluate and giving feedback to each other and is strenthening the self-reflection, thus inforcing sustainability.
How does it work?
A standard training takes six half-day sessions, alongside a similar number of hours of homework. An independent assessor will review their portfolio and action plan, leading to a certificate indicating that they are able to sustainably manage their career competences and to convert those in actions.
The training brings about a personal process for the participant, which causes lasting affects the participant - also after the training; it is for the trainer to get this process going, to monitor and to accompany.
Positive approach
Everyone possesses qualities and competences and has also deployed these in work, as volunteer, in hobbies, private or in study.
The strength of the CH-Q method is to a large extent in the way the group runs along the same route. In this training, everyone is a mirror and a coach for each other. By doing so, each participant learns t coach him-/herself. By using different group sizes and changing the groups creates an environment of many perspectives, goals, solutions and direct and indirect networking.
The portfolio and action plan are the two of themain end products of the training. They are assessed by an external assessor. The portfolio is a personal portfolio for which the participant feels ownership. Systematically a link is established between skills and competencies. Creating and presenting an action plan to the group, making it more and more concrete and the feedback from participants make that the participants actually will make the proposed steps.
CH-Q has a comprehensive system of quality assurance. Involved in this is are the following principles:
Each CH-Q trainer has gone through the basic program himself;
CH-Q trainers become certified as individual;
Certification at all levels is independent;
Certification is always done through a formative assessment - tailored to level and audience.
Each developed CH-Q program will be assessed by the Foundation CH-Q;
The foundation CH-Q in the Netherlands monitors the quality of training, trainers and assessments.
CH-Q is dedicated to strengthening links between the personal and professional development of young people and adults and their socio-economic integration in (work-)life. The overall objective is to enable them to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills of how to handle their career and life planning. This implies adequate training and guidance.
CH-Q uses a holistic bottom-up approach and a well balanced combination of methods and instruments.
CH-Q has an extensive qualification program on four levels: for end users on the one hand (level one) and experts on the other (level two to four). With regard to the 10 steps the qualification program does not include step 7, that means the act of validation itself, but it provides a targeted preparation for it.
The training concept is based on an extensive set of methods and instruments addressing all issues in career management and leads to portfolio, evaluation of work situations, action plans of further development and career stpes. The solution oriented learning processes are centred around the identification, assessment and recognition of skills and competencies and they are backed up by accompanying instruments for young people and adults. It includes folders of competencies (Portfolios), of qualifications (formal, informal evidences), of applications as well as special instruments to prepare validation and accreditation procedures.
In the Netherlands, Austria and Luxembourg this concept is in use - other countries are starting with its implementation.
CH-Q is a unique career development process for people who want to (re-)orientate their work and life careers. A career development training according to CH-Q starts from a holistic perspective. Work, family, hobbies, interests, informal work experience and any care activities, everything is included. In pairs and larger groups, which frequently change, they are working on discovering their own qualities, career ambitions and capabilities. Participants gain valuable insights about themselves and work towards a concrete action plan and portfolio to put their career ambitions into practice. CH-Q offers career training tailored for different audiences. The quality of the training programs and the trainers has a very high importance.
General design of a CH-Q training
In general a CH-Q training takes 6 sessions of each 3-4 hours. The training takes place in a group of 6-12 persons. The homework for the candidates takes more or less the same time as the group sessions, about 20 hours. The training is always tailor-made to the needs of the group and their specific context. The group-sessions follow a pattern which is generic:
Become aware / Session 1:
Introduction VPL and making agreement (ethical, organisational)
Introduction participants (assignment in pairs and as group)
Picture assignment
Describing situations
Summary, reflection and homework
Making competences visible / Session 2:
Transitions / start working with the portfolio
Picture by someone else (90/180 Feedback)
Summary, reflection, homework
Competence-biography / Session 3:
Image by another (360 feedback)
Analyse work / training / leisure experiences
Achievements / rewarding
Completion and homework
Systematically self-valuation / Session 4:
Explanation competencies
Gather competencies
Dividing into four types of competences
Completion and homework
Presenting your competences / Session 5:
Validate personal profile
Comparison function sketch / visual material
Present / Introduce yourself
Provide feedback (explain what feedback)
Completion and homework
Plans for the future: Action plan / Session 6:
Competence biography / portfolio
Action Plan
Overall assessment: program design --- results, continued provision