Case: Job competency profiling

The main aim is to map the competences a certain job or project requires. The method is based on the assumption that it is possible to identify the critical competencies for success in work and company performance. This is done to tailor make the training programs to both employees needs as well as company needs.
Source: The Education and Training Service Centre, Iceland.
Competence is understood as observable skills, knowledge, motivations or traits defined in terms of the behaviors needed for successful job performance. Competence can be assessed/measured and improved.
Tools and actors
Tools needed are descriptions of competences and a clear description of the phases of the process. Participants in the competency profiling are specialists within the respective field of work. They need to participate in phase 2 (meetings) of the profiling process.
Phase 1 – Preparation
This phase includes a background research such as searching for information on the respective job and if there exists any descriptions or profiling on the job content and competency requirements. Also during the preparation phase, participants are selected and all three meetings scheduled. The ideal number of participants is between 12 and 20.
Phase 2 – Meetings
Three meetings will be scheduled; each one has the duration of approx. 3 hours:
At the first meeting participants need to get to the core of the job and tasks related to the job. The product of this meeting will be a description of the job and tasks included in the job.
During the second meeting participants work on the actual competence profiling by selecting a set of competences that they find are essential for carrying out the job/work and identifying the level of those critical competencies. The product of the second meeting will be an overview of competences and level of difficulties required for the job.
Third meeting will have the main aim of completing the job and competence profile, whereas the participants compare the job description/definition completed at the first meeting and the competences and level of competences chosen at the second meeting.
Phase 3 – Finishing
This phase includes a review of material collected and a consideration no weather a broader consultation is required. The specialist finalizing the profiling work will also use this phase to write report, which documents the process and the findings so they can be used by those designing the training.