Iceland has been working on a national strategy for people with little formal education since 2004. In the beginning pilot projects were run where the focus was on validating competences which people had obtained through work, towards the shortening of studypats based on formal curricula on upper secondary school level. It is the Education and Training Service Centre (ETSC) that coordinates the national strategy in cooperation with Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Lifelong learning centres and social partners.
The ETSC cooperates in accordance with a service agreement with The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and administrates the Education and Training fund for adult education. Main responsibilities include coordinating the development of Validation of Prior Learning (VPL) and training validation staff. VPL developments for the target group (people with little formal education, who have not finished upper sec. education) began in 2004. ETSC led the work in cooperation with stakeholders (labour market parties). The first pilots were conducted in 2004-2006 and a model for the VPL process was established and described in an information brochure intended for stakeholders. In 2007 funding through state budget was initiated based on a contract with the ETSC. Since then, projects in various sectors have been conducted where the focus has been on opening up VPL towards shortening of study paths on Upper Secondary School level. Validation processes against competence criteria for specific jobs have also been developed. The Adult Education Act was passed in 2010 stating the right of the individual for VPL and career guidance. A regulation was presented in 2011, describing a defined process of validation and emphasizing cooperation and quality assurance. In 2012, 32 VPL pathways had been opened for the target group.
The ETSC cooperates with 14 Lifelong Learning centres distributed around the country who deliver services, including VPL, to the target group. ETSC coordinates developments in the field, provides support to providers and oversees quality issues and results.
The Icelandic Framework for VPL is in few steps:
Information and Screening
Portfolio and Self assessment
Assessment (and Verification if necessary)
Follow up and continuing competence development
The Directorate of Labour (DL) has through the last decade put emphasis on career guidance for unemployed individuals where the aim is to develop a job search plan (following registration) with each jobseeker, with a focus on skills audit. In most cases career counsellors are reviewing competences/strengths with their service users, and often using portfolio or CV, but since the process of VPL is defined as a specific process – it is not called validation unless the whole process is followed (The Adult Education Act and the regulation 2011).
Career guide/counsellor follows and supports the individual through the whole validation process from the beginning to the end. This has been reported by the service users (individuals going through the process) as a very important part of the process.
For more information contact the ETSC: