"Food for thoughts"?
Example of detailed manuscript for a "train the trainers" /workshop concept in Sweden:
"Draft manuscript Workshop CFL Söderhamn
Invited: about 300 officers within the field of career guidance (career counsellors, employment officers, head of guidance offices, project leaders aso) Estimated number of participants: 70. That´s our maximum number, more participants than that will not be effective if we want to inspire to a discussion.
Altogether about 7 different tools are presented and discussed:
Welcome, information about the agenda, the lunch and other
practical information. (PP x 1) - (5 min)
Brief information about the WLG and also a brief presentation of the manual and the content of the chapters. (PP x 2) - (10 min)
Presentation of the “Buzzgroup” concept (PP x 1) - (15 min)
- working group discussion (divide the participants in groups of 3-4) - (15 min)
- workshop discussion - (15 min)
Presentation of “how to attract employers for guidance services” (PP x 1) - (10 min)
- working group discussion (divide the participants in groups of 3-4) - (15 min)
- workshop discussion - (15 min)
Presentation of tool to be decided (1 x PP) - (20 min)
LUNCH - (60 min)
Presentation of SEQF (EQF) (1 x PP) - (15 min)
- working group discussion (divide the participants in groups of 3-4) - (15 min)
- workshop discussion - (15 min)
Presentation of Europass, ECVET and EQAVET (1 x PP) - (15 min)
- working group discussion (divide the participants in groups of 3-4) - (15 min)
- workshop discussion - (15 min)
Presentation of other EU funded career guidance related projects in the region (2 x PP) - (30 min)
Coffee break - (30 min)
Presentation of tool to be decided (2 x PP) - (20 min)
Conclusion and summing up (decide about date for a Skype meeting
Follow up. - (5 min)"
Example of invitation to teachers/trainers/career counsellors aso:
"Career counselor Workshop
Now we invite you to a careers workshop. See content below. Lunch on our hospitality! Subscribe to any of us no later than 8 January. Feel welcome and tell us if we missed to invite someone who works with career counseling.
Klas Tallvid o Jennica Hall
Time: Friday, January 15, at: 9:30 to 16:00
Location: CFL, Söderhamn
09:30 to 11:30 Career counseling tools and models for guidance in the workplace: presentation and comments
11:30 to 12:30 Lunch
12:30 to 13:30 Cont. tools and models
13:30 to 14:30 New reference framework for training (EQF), ECVET, EQAVET and other EU tools: what is important for career counselors to know about these tools?
14:30 to 15:00 Coffee
15.00 to 16.00 Cont. New framework.
Subscribe to: klas.tallvid@hufb.se or jennica.hall@hufb.se